These high quality designs cover all styles from playful and creative to formal and business slideshows. Find the best professional Powerpoint graphics and artwork for presentation slideshows and Google Slides and focus on communicating your ideas in your presentations. All of the graphics are royalty free and compatible with PC and Mac, and downloadable as a JPG or PNG. Browse categories or search by keyword for the best ppt designs to fit your presentation slideshow. The PowerPoint Graphics Pack includes thousands of high quality graphics, images and clipart for all your PowerPoint presentation slideshow needs. Many applications such as Google Docs, Keynote, Open Office, Kingsoft Presentations and Zoho Show will easily import the graphics. PresentationPro Graphics designs can be applied to any presentation software, far more than just Microsoft Office PowerPoint. Want to use PresentationPro Graphics outside of PowerPoint? No Problem! Can by applied from inside PowerPoint with Express Plugin.